What months do the Thai Bangkaew Female come into season?
โดย ^.".^ Jill - Thursday, 7 April 2005, 05:13AM
  It is noted by many breeders that the Thai Bangkaew only comes in heat once a year. I am wondering  if that is mostly during a certain month or season.  Or does the one heat occur anytime throughout the entire year?
ตอบ: What months do the Thai Bangkaew Female come into season?
โดย อาทร ยงรัตนกิจ - Thursday, 7 April 2005, 12:11PM
  As I know, it's true that TBD comes in heat once a year. Normally, female TBD has sign of heat start in mid of rainny season in Thailand till end of winter (Sep. - Feb.) but we found that small number of female come heat in Mar. or Apr. which unusual. There are many factors concern in heat for each female TBD. I'll let the expert breeder to explain in more detail... very complicate for me who just a TBD lover.
Re: ตอบ: What months do the Thai Bangkaew Female come into season?
โดย ^.".^ Jill - Thursday, 7 April 2005, 08:40PM

Thank you, I am curious to see if that changes with the females here in the US, due to different weather & seasonsal changes.

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