Re: ตอบ: ตะโพก ร้าย Hip Dysplasia
โดย ^.".^ Jill - Friday, 8 July 2005, 05:54AM
  That is true. It was once thought that to breed "good to good" would solve the problem. But, now it was found that Canine Hip Dysplasia is caused by the presence of many genes (polygenic)

No environmental causes have been found, but many factors can contribute to varying symtoms of CHD in dogs. Whereas poor nutrition or physical stress will not cause CHD, it can make a dog affected with the disease display more marked symptoms.

The only available way to help reduce the Hip Dysplasia is by
selectively breeding for normal hips. Unfortunately, one cannot make a reliable diagnosis of Hip Dysplasia on the basis of lameness or gait. X-ray is the only means for evaluating the hip grade.

As we discussed before a dog who "looks" ok may sire many litters with no problem, then bred to a certain dam will produce puppies with apparent problems. It was the combination of the certain set of genes combined together that caused it.

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